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And though Saturn hath an especial ponderosity above other Metals, yet observe, when they are poured forth together, after their union in the Flux, the other Metals alwaies settle at the bottom, even as it likewise comes to pass in the pouring of Antimony through with other Metals, whereby it is evident, that the other Metals fall through equally, and are more compact than Saturn, for it must give place and preheminence to the other Metals, leaving the victory with them; for it must vanish and be quite consumed with the unfixt inconstant Metals; in it all the three properties of the three principles are most course; and because its Salt is very fluxible above that of other Metals and Planets, so is its Body more fluxible, inconstant, unfixt, and volatile, than any other Metallick Body.

This primacy is under Jesus Christ, and may be exercised without tyranny, and without destroying the rights which the Bishops have over the churches committed to them." "Episcopacy, says he , that is to say the preheminence of a Pastor, is not contrary to the Divine right.

On the title-page is quoted the text Ecclesiastes iii. 19, thus "That which befalleth the sonnes of men befalleth Beasts; even one thing befalleth them all: as the one dyeth so dyeth the other; yea they have all one breath, so that man hath no preheminence above a Beast; for all is vanity." This gives so far the key-note to the 57 pages of matter of the Tract itself.

More solid fruits require a longer time, Each Season hath its fruit, so hath each Clime: Each man his own peculiar excellence, But none in all that hath preheminence. Sweet fragrant Spring, with thy short pittance fly Let some describe thee better than can I. Yet above all this priviledg is thine, Thy dayes still lengthen without least decline: SUMMER.

Of the Spirit of Mercury. Though I have a peculiar Stile in writing, which will seem strange unto many, causing strange Thoughts and Fancies in their Brains, yet there is reason enough for my so doing; I say enough, that I may remain by my own experience, not esteeming much of others prating, because it is concealed in my knowledge, Seeing having alwaies the preheminence before Hearing, and Reason hath the praise before Folly; Wherefore I now say, that all visible, tangible things are made of the Spirit of Mercury, which excels all earthly things of the whole world, all things being made out of it, having their Off-spring only from it; for all is found therein which can perform all whatsoever the Artist desires to find; It is the beginning to operate Metals, when it is become a spiritual Essence, which is meer Air flying to and fro without wings; it is a moving wind, which after it is expelled its dwelling by Vulcan, it is driven into its Chaos, where it again enters, and resolves it self into the Elements, where it is elevated and attracted by the Sydereal Stars after a Magnetical manner unto themselves, out of love, whence he proceeded before, and was operated, because it affects its like again, and attracts it to it.