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Updated: January 5, 2025

Polydactylism in man. Polygamy, influence of, upon sexual selection; superinduced by domestication; supposed increase of female births by. In the stickleback. Polygenists. Polynesia, prevalence of infanticide in. Polynesians, wide geographical range of; difference of stature among the; crosses of; variability of; heterogeneity of the; aversion of, to hairs on the face.

Finally, we may conclude that when the principle of evolution is generally accepted, as it surely will be before long, the dispute between the monogenists and the polygenists will die a silent and unobserved death. One other question ought not to be passed over without notice, namely, whether, as is sometimes assumed, each sub-species or race of man has sprung from a single pair of progenitors.

The nature and value of specific characters Application to the races of man Arguments in favour of, and opposed to, ranking the so-called races of man as district species Sub-species Monogenists and polygenists Convergence of character Numerous points of resemblance in body and mind between the most distinct races of man The state of man when he first spread over the earth Each race not descended from a single pair The extinction of races The formation of races The effects of crossing Slight influence of the direct action of the conditions of life Slight or no influence of natural selection Sexual selection.

It is here, in fact, that the strength of the Polygenists, or those who maintain that men primitively arose, not from one, but from many stocks, lies.

Like the Monogenists, the Polygenists are of several sects; some imagine that their assumed species of mankind were created where we find them the African in Africa, and the Australian in Australia, along with the other animals of their distributional province; others conceive that each species of man has resulted from the modification of some antecedent species of ape the American from the broad-nosed Simians of the New World, the African from the Troglodytic stock, the Mongolian from the Orangs.

The question whether mankind consists of one or several species has of late years been much discussed by anthropologists, who are divided into the two schools of monogenists and polygenists.

These speculations may be grouped under three heads: firstly, the Monogenist hypotheses; secondly, those of the Polygenists; and thirdly, that which would result from a simple application of Darwinian principles to mankind.

If presenting unanswerable objections to your adversary were the same thing as proving your own case, the Polygenists would be in a fair way towards victory; but, unfortunately, as I have already observed, they have as yet completely failed to adduce satisfactory positive proof of the specific diversity of mankind.

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