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"The raft's all crazy," he remarked, staring at it. "If you go far out in that, you've got more pluck than I have." "I've been to Matterplay on it," said Polecrab. The arg reappeared and started swimming to shore, but this time clumsily, as if it were bearing a heavy weight under the surface. When it landed at its master's feet, they saw that each set of claws was clutching a fish six in all.

"How is it that your people are so unadventurous? I seem to be the only one travelling from curiosity." "What do you mean by 'your people'?" "True you don't know that I don't belong to your planet at all. I've come from another world, Polecrab." "What to find?" "I came here with Krag and Nightspore to follow Surtur. I must have fainted the moment I arrived.

It swam gracefully to the middle of the creek and made a pivotal dive beneath the surface, where it remained a great while. "Simple fishing," remarked Maskull. "But what's the raft for?" "To go to sea with. The best fish are out at sea. These are eatable." "That arg seems a highly intelligent creature." Polecrab grunted again. "I've trained close on a hundred of them.

"In the forest I heard music and saw a light, which could not have belonged to this world. They were too strong for my senses, and I must have fainted for a long time. There was a vision as well, in which I saw myself killed, while Nightspore walked on toward the light, alone." Polecrab uttered his grunt. "You have enough to think over." A short silence ensued, which was broken by Maskull.

At these times his eyes, which were of a tawny gold, seemed to contain secrets difficult to associate with one of his age. "He puzzles me," said Polecrab. "He has a soul like sap, and he's interested in nothing. He may turn out to be the most remarkable of the bunch." Maskull took the child in one hand, and lifted him as high as his head. He took a good look at him, and set him down again.