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"What is it to you what way I shouted?" said he. "You might give a civil answer to a civil question," said they; "but sure you were always Sharvan the Surly;" and they went away. When the giants were out of sight, Sharvan took Pinkeen out of his wallet. "Some more berries, you little thief I mean little Pinkeen," said he.

It was not long until he reached its borders, but when he tried to cross them his feet stuck to the ground and he could not move a step. Sharvan gave three loud shouts that were heard all over fairyland, and made the trees in the woods tremble, as if the wind of a storm was sweeping over them. "Oh, please, Mr. Giant, let me out," said Pinkeen.

The giant shouted louder than before, and his shouts were heard by all the other giants, who came running towards him. When Sharvan saw them coming, he caught up Pinkeen, and put him in his pocket, that they shouldn't see him. "What were you shouting for?" said the giants. "Because," said Sharvan, "that rock there fell down on my big toe." "You did not shout like a man that was hurt," said they.

He then swallowed the three together, and when he had done so, he felt so happy that he began to shout and dance for joy. "More, you little thief!" said he. "More, you little what's your name?" said the giant. "Pinkeen, please, Mr. Giant," said the fairy, as he gave up all the berries.