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Meanwhile the streets are alive with the rush of numerous cahars and sadoes, drawn by the agile native pony, and with itinerant vendors, who, bearing their baskets suspended from their shoulders by the pikulan, or cross-piece, each with a lamp fixed to the rearmost basket, flit to and fro noiselessly on their bare feet.

While I was eating my bananas, my cooly set to work to make a pikulan, or shoulder-piece. He took a long bamboo and stripped off the leaves and branches with his gaulok, a long knife which every native carries at his waist. By the aid of this contrivance borrowed from China the Javan natives carry burdens up to half a hundredweight without apparent exertion for long distances.

These subsequent visits, however, lacked that which gave so great a charm to my first walk through the gardens the spontaneous courtesy and graceful learning of the curator. View of Mount Salak Railway travelling in Java Soekaboemi No coolies A long walk Making a pikulan Forest path Tji Wangi at last. It is two in the afternoon, and I have just taken the curious Javan meal called rice-table.

The cooly slung my Gladstone bag at one end of the pikulan, and another small bag, with a big stone to balance, at the other. He moved with an elastic step, as if there was no greater pleasure in the world than carrying bags up mountain paths, and beat the kuda hands down. Relieved of the fatigue of walking, I could admire the mountain scenery.