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Pigeon's-egg Head pitched the bundle of willow sticks over-board. His knife was worn out, and his hand and brain were tired. At St. Louis he stood for his portrait, painted by the same Artist Catlin who the next year, in the Mandan towns, listened to the hero tales of Mah-to-toh-pa. He was a great man at painting Indians, this Artist Catlin.

Each night men and women gathered from near and far, to hear him talk, in his lodge. They sat silent and critical, while he told them the honest truth. He worked very hard. The people listened; and when they went out they said among themselves: "Those things are not true. The Pigeon's-egg Head is the greatest liar in the world. The other nations will laugh at the Assiniboins."

But he could not tell one tenth and yet, with the very first, several of the old men and chiefs arose and went out. They said that this Wijunjon was a liar, and that they would not listen to him. The white people were known to be great liars, and he had learned from them! In vain, the next day, and the next day, the Pigeon's-egg Head tried to make himself popular.

Accordingly, the young man appointed to kill Wijunjon for being bad medicine, found an iron pot handle, and spent a whole day filing it down to fit into the muzzle of his gun. Then from behind he shot the terrible Pigeon's-egg Head and scattered his lying brains about, and the wizard fell dead. Southwest from the Mandans there lived the Crow nation.

The Pigeon's-egg Head was the foremost. He was the first to shake the hand of the Great White Father. He declined nothing. The sights of Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York he inspected them all. He scarcely rested, night or day. He learned so much that when, in the spring of 1832, he turned homeward, he was filled to bursting. At St.

When the hair did not grow long enough to suit, they spliced it by gluing on other hair, sometimes horse-hair, until it reached the ground. In the year 1831 Wi-jun-jon, or Pigeon's-egg Head, was a leading young warrior among the long-haired Assiniboins.

A human being, even an innocent young girl, can usually bear up under any experience to which a human being can be subjected. The general in pajamas of the finest silk and of pigeon's-egg blue with a vast gorgeous monogram on the pocket was more grotesque, rather than more repellent, than the general in morning or evening attire.