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Great Britain and Ireland alone Great Britain south of the Scottish Mountains, that is enjoy this peculiar advantage; and there are few things more instructive when one is engaged upon the history of England than to take a map and mark upon it the head of each navigable piece of water and the head of its tideway, for when this has been done all England, with the exception of the Welsh Hills and the Pennines, seems to be penetrated by the influence of the sea.

Another, the converse to this, proceeded from the metal mines of the south-west to the north-east until it struck and merged into other roads running north and east of the Pennines. A third went more sharply west from the southern districts, and connected them not with the Dee, but with the lower Severn.

«Avant de pénétrer dans le Vallais, il convient d'en donner une idée générale: il forme cette partie des Alpes connue sous le nom d'Alpes Pennines; il contient non-seulement les plus hautes montagnes des Alpes, mais encore la plus longue vallée qui il y ait en Europe, puis qu'elle a trente-quatre lieues depuis Saint-Maurice jusqu'

The whole stretch is framed in with definite hills, the last and highly marked line of the Pennines bounds the view upon the east; upon the west the first of the Welsh hills stands sharply in a long even line against the fading sun; and on the north you see the height of Delamere.

North-country folk are musical, and this district of the Pennines had produced many voices that passed on to cathedral choirs. Instrumental music, also, was appreciated and understood, and before the war there had been quite a good little orchestra in the parish. When Mr.