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Surely the vision must be real; yet how could tiny man out of earth and upon earth rear in such enchantment of line and color those enormous masses, those peak-like piercings of the sky? "Is that it?" she asked in an awed undertone. Susan nodded. She, too, was gazing spellbound. Her beloved City of the Sun. "But it is beautiful beautiful beyond belief.

What did she see in the scene before her, he wondered: the deep valley, brilliant with early sunshine; the magnificent sweep of wooded slopes; Pine Mountain and the peak-like Narrows, where through it the river had worn its patient way; and the Cumberland Range, lying like a cloud against the horizon, and bluer and softer than the sky above it.

Only let the decree go forth, and every one of us, at the end of a week or so, would by hook or by crook have acquired a distinctly peak-like appearance. But Kelham looked up, looked long, and smiled. "You are beautiful very beautiful the most beautiful woman I have seen save one." Zulannah recognised her defeat and in a whirl of rage and scented veils disappeared through the talik palms.

But as he spoke, the whole party walked out; but they had not gone very far before they caught sight of a majestic summer house, towering high peak-like, and of a structure rising loftily with storey upon storey; and completely locked in as they were on every side they were as beautiful as the Jade palace.