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But this writer proves to me that I shall have to begin all over again. 'Morality, he says, 'depends upon cerebral oxidation. That's a terrible dictum for a simpleminded man. If I am not cerebrally oxidised, or oxidally cerebrised, in the right degree, it's all over with my hopes of leading a moral life.

What happened when the celluloid stud was opened was that the inducive oxidised and became active. Then the surface of the Carolinum began to degenerate. This degeneration passed only slowly into the substance of the bomb. A moment or so after its explosion began it was still mainly an inert sphere exploding superficially, a big, inanimate nucleus wrapped in flame and thunder.

Phileas Fogg hailed a boat, got into it, and soon found himself on board the Henrietta, iron-hulled, wood-built above. He ascended to the deck, and asked for the captain, who forthwith presented himself. He was a man of fifty, a sort of sea-wolf, with big eyes, a complexion of oxidised copper, red hair and thick neck, and a growling voice. "The captain?" asked Mr. Fogg. "I am the captain."

How can you keep an angel in a cage? "Aeroplane!" I almost whispered to Bickley. "You've got it!" he answered. "The framework of an aeroplane and a jolly large one, too. Only why hasn't it oxidised?" "Some indestructible metal," I suggested. "Gold, for instance, does not oxidise." He nodded and said: "We shall have to dig it out. The dust is feet thick about it; we can do nothing without spades.

It will be obvious then that the most effective method of roasting will be one that enables the particles to be thoroughly oxidised at the lowest cost in fuel and in the most rapid manner. The roasting processes in practical use may be divided into three categories: First or A Process. Roasting on a horizontal and stationary hearth, the flame passing over a mass of ore resting on such hearth.

The combustible metal that is, the lead and the part that will oxidise, are thoroughly oxidised; the litharge would flow out in a fused state into a vessel placed to receive it, and the platinum remains behind. Here is the process which Deville adopts for the purpose of casting off the lead, after he has got out the platinum from the ore.