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An acre, within a mile of Birmingham, now sells for about one hundred pounds, and lets from three pounds to five, some as high as seven. And, the nation so overswarmed with ecclesiastics, that the spiritual honours were quickly devoured, and the race left hungry; they therefore fastened upon the temporal hence we boast of two knighted priests. EARTHQUAKE, &c.

"When I was an understrapper," he was wont to say, "the land was overswarmed and eaten up by officialdom. I could not see the good meat wasted upon crawlers. 'Get to work, said I, 'or ye shall neither eat nor crawl! "'We must eat to beg we are not ashamed, to steal is the right of our noble Ritterdom, the crawlers replied. "'So, said I, 'bitte as to that we shall see!

Whereupon the last of the attackers turned and made haste to fly, the three archers in close pursuit. "These hinds would fair have overswarmed me had not the boy and Dagonet come to my aid," remarked Sir Percival as he lifted his helmet from his head. "How then, Allan, did you like the affray?" inquired Sir Launcelot. "Greatly," replied the lad.

Inefficient even in plundering, he found himself possessed of but a handful of crackers, a tin of sardines a comestible he had never seen before and did not like when he tasted it and a bottle of what he thought wine but proved vinegar. Disgusted, he moved to the next wagon, overswarmed like the first by grey ants. This time it was ale, unfamiliar still, but sufficiently to his liking. "Gawd!