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There is a quiet humour not of the fantastic kind which, as in Charles Lamb, forces us to admit the possibility of near alliance to over-balance of mind but counter-balancing, antiseptic, salt.

"Miss Vashti" the Commandant spoke seriously, still with his arm stretched out ready to grip her by the skirt if she should over-balance herself or the treacherous wall give way "I am glad, for your sister's sake, you have come; but I must warn you that all is not right on Saaron Island." She turned slowly, and looked down upon him there from her altitude.

If it is not, then it cannot by its counter-weight over-balance the latter, and thus influence the progress of the action of the War. We see, therefore, that the impulsive force existing in the polarity of interests may be lost in the difference between the strength of the offensive and the defensive, and thereby become ineffectual.

Still more: As time is so short, and eternity so long, the least compensation in eternity would infinitely over-balance the greatest inequality in time. From that point of view we could not look for equality, even in the most distant age.

If we are dreaming, let our dreams be the pleasantest possible!" Nor can it be urged that though some part of our interest thus depends on the beliefs, rather than on their being true, yet the consequences of self-deception are so momentous, as to create a spirit of criticism to balance or over-balance the said bias of credulity.