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Updated: September 19, 2024
"And," said I, staring away into the distance, "do you think that, by any possible chance, she might love me, this woman?" "Ay, for sure," said the Ancient, "for sure she will; why don't 'ee up an ax 'er? Wi' a fine round moon over-'ead, an' a pretty maid at your elber, it's easy enough to tell 'er you love 'er, aren't it?"
Bimby's compliments, sir, and ax if you could oblige him with the loan of a wine-glass?" "Mr. Bimby?" "Over-'ead, sir garret! You may 'ave 'eard 'im, now and then flute, sir, 'armonious, though doleful." "And he wants a wine-glass, does he?" said Barnabas, and forthwith produced that article from a rickety corner-cupboard and handed it to Mrs.
But we wasn't countin' too much on it bein' miracle day an' we kept the wheels goin' round with the whistle over-'ead an' the crashes behind to discourage any loiterin' to gather flowers by the way. 'An' when we was well past an' slowed down again I heard the Left'nant draw a deep breath an' say soft-like ". . . a packet o' Chinese crackers." 'But 'e said something stronger that same night.
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