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I reckon we're gettin' most onhuman treatment." "But I'm a sick man," protested Ladd, "an' I'm agoin' to fall over in a minute if somebody doesn't feed me. Nell, you used to be fond of me." "Oh, Laddy, I am yet," replied Nell. "Shore I don't believe it. Any girl with a tender heart just couldn't let a man starve under her eyes... Look at Dick, there.

But attempt nothing heedlessly I didn't expect you'd quit the lake, while my matter remained in unsartainty, but remember, Sarpent, that no torments that Mingo ingenuity can invent, no ta'ntings and revilings; no burnings and roastings and nail-tearings, nor any other onhuman contrivances can so soon break down my spirit, as to find that you and Hist have fallen into the power of the inimy in striving to do something for my good."

Likewise, they mind their own business, which is also why they've be'n let grow to onhuman proportions. But, not to seem oncivil to a stranger, an' by way of gettin' acquainted, I'll leak it out that it ain't no fault of Texas that I come away from there but owin' only to a honin' of mine to see more of the world than what Texas affords.

It might as well 'ave 'eld out flowers to the devil! though my own opinion is as the devil 'imself wouldn't 'a ridden down a child. But a motorin' lord o' these days is neither man nor beast nor devil, 'e's a somethin' altogether onhuman onhuman out an' out, a thing wi' goggles over his eyes an' no 'art in his body, which we aint iver seen in this poor old world afore.