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And this crew is carving right into it, cutting it like steel with an acetylenetorch. Theyre making big holes in it. You hear that hissing? That noise like a steamhose? Well, that's the grass shriveling. Think of it grass with so much sap inside it hisses. It's drying right up in a one-two-three! Now the top part is falling down toppling forward coming like a breaking wave. Oops!

"I suppose Dante showed a lot of speed for an old-timer not that I've actually read him, of course but to come right down to hard facts, he wouldn't stand one-two-three if he had to buckle down to practical literature and turn out a poem for the newspaper-syndicate every day, like Chum does!" "That's so," from Eddie Swanson. "Those old birds could take their time.

Bracing his elbows, Shelby bore his whole weight forward, counted three, sat back upon his knees, counted two, and so continued, down "one-two-three," up "one-two," with the quiet assurance of a surgeon. The younger man watched his every movement with wondering respect. The operator interrupted his meditations. "Get hold of his tongue with your handkerchief," he ordered.

It kind of brought her within my human reach. Why, when she played her one-two-three, tum-tum-tum, I was in the seventh heaven of bliss. My weariness fell from me. I loved her, and my love for her was clean as flame, clean as my love for God. And do you know, into my fond lover's fancy continually intruded the thought that God in most ways must look like her.