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In the Oligocene we find primitive squirrels, beavers, rabbits, and mice. The Insectivores also developed some of the present types at an early date, and have since proved so unprogressive that some regard them as the stock from which all the placental mammals have arisen. Some specimens of it are seventy feet in length.

It is, therefore, generally believed that the anthropoid apes and man had a common ancestor in the early Miocene or Oligocene, that this group was closely related to the ancestral group of the Old World monkeys, and that all originally sprang from a primitive and generalised femur-group.

One need not ask why the regions of London and Paris fostered palms and magnolias and turtles in Tertiary times, and shudder in their dreary winter to-day. The Tertiary Era is divided by geologists into four periods: the Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene. Many geologists, however, distrust the classification, and are disposed to divide the Tertiary into two periods.

Dentition. 2. 1. 4. 3. : 25. Autolemures. Eulemur. Stenops. Oligocene. : 26. Dysmopitheca. Western apes. Dentition. 2. 1. 3. 3. : 26. Platyrrhinae. Older Miocene. : 27. Cynopitheca. Papiomorpha. Cynocephalus. Neo-Miocene. : 28. Anthropoides. Hylobatida. Hylobates. Satyrus. Pliocene. : 29. Pithecanthropi. Anthropitheca. Chimpanzee. Gorilla. Pleistocene. : 30. Homines. Men, with speech. : 30.

In the Oligocene it spreads into three great branches, adapted, respectively, to life on the elevated lands, the lowlands, and the water. The intermediate lowland type was probably the ancestor of the modern animal. All three forms were yet hornless.

Tapirs gallop well, and their tough hide and wedge shape enable them to go at speed through very dense cover. They try to stamp on, and even to bite, a foe, but are only clumsy fighters. The tapir is a very archaic type of ungulate, not unlike the non- specialized beasts of the Oligocene.

Dense Conglomerates and Proofs of Subsidence. Flora of the Lower Molasse. American Character of the Flora. Theory of a Miocene Atlantis. Lower Miocene of Belgium. Rupelian Clay of Hermsdorf near Berlin. Mayence Basin. Lower Miocene of Croatia. Oligocene Strata of Beyrich. Lower Miocene of Italy. Lower Miocene of England. Hempstead Beds. Bovey Tracey Lignites in Devonshire. Isle of Mull Leaf-Beds.

The Mesozoic era has three periods, the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous, while the Cenozoic era names five periods, the Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene. Absence of Certain Strata.

Primitive types of gulls, herons, pelicans, quails, ibises, flamingoes, albatrosses, buzzards, hornbills, falcons, eagles, owls, plovers, and woodcocks are found in the Eocene beds; the Oligocene beds add parrots, trogons, cranes, marabouts, secretary-birds, grouse, swallows, and woodpeckers.

KAINOZOIC OR TERTIARY: Pleistocene and Recent. Pliocene. Miocene. Oligocene. Eocene. MESOZOIC OR SECONDARY: Cretaceous. Jurassic. Triassic. PALAEOZOIC OR PRIMARY: Permian. Carboniferous. Devonian or old Red Sandstone. Silurian. Ordovician. Cambrian. A VILLAGE BUILT ON PILES IN A SWISS LAKE. Restored by Dr. Works of Art in Danish Peat-Mosses. Remains of three Periods of Vegetation in the Peat.