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Up she sneaked, walking as softly as a baby can creep, and just then Dickie and Bully got off the wheel, and sat down on the bank to eat a cookie, which Bully found in his water-proof pocket. “Now’s my chance!” thought the cat. “I’ll grab ’em both, and eat ’em!” So she made a spring, but she didn’t jump quite far enough and she missed both Bully and Dickie.

Now’s our chance!” cried the frog. “Run, Sammie, run!” And they both scudded away as fast as they could before the alligator could catch them, or even before the boy could run out to see what the noise was.

Now’s th’ time you’ve got to go to th’ Old Man an’ tell him th’ truth, quick as you can. Sure, I know why you didn’t want to claim kin before, but now you’ll have to." Drew shook his head. "Not nownot with nothing to back up my story. Shannon could give me the lie direct." "I’m thinkin’ you’re showin’ less brains than a dumb cow-critter, amigo. But, lissenI’m backin’ your play.

The golden wake lifted itself gradually from the water until it was on a level with Klara’s window. Bending down she touched it with both her soft little hands. It was as firm and hard as if it had been woven from strands of gold. “‘Now’s my time to run away from my cross mother,’ Klara said to herself. ‘I guess that nice old lady in the moon wants me to come and be her little girl. Well, I’ll go.

‘Oh, yes; if you could overwhelm me with remorse and confusion of face, now’s the time. What have you done with my son?’ ‘He is well, and you may see him some time, if you will compose yourself, but not now.’ ‘Where is he?’ ‘He is safe.’ ‘Is he here?’