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And thus in his case also non-real bondage will come to an end. The same conclusion may also be arrived at by a different road.

This admits of being expressed in technical form. 'Being' is real because it persists, as proved by the case of the rope in the snake-rope; jars and similar things are non-real because they are non-continuous, as proved by the case of the snake that has the rope for its substrate. From all this it follows that persisting consciousness only has real being; it alone is.

The harm would be that such a view implies the theory of duality, and hence would be in conflict with the texts inculcating non-duality such as 'For where there is duality as it were, &c.; but when for him the Self only has become all, whereby then should he see, and whom should he see? But those texts set forth the Real; Maya on the other hand is non-real, and hence the view of its permanency is not in real conflict with the texts!

Brahman, we reply, has for its essential nature unlimited bliss, and hence cannot be conscious of, or affected with, unreal Maya, without avidya. Of what use, we further ask, should an eternal non-real Maya be to Brahman? Brahman by means of it deludes the individual souls! But of what use should such delusion be to Brahman? It affords to Brahman a kind of sport or play!

Every one of you would like to be a good speaker, failing that, to rival your orators in cleverness. You are as quick to guess what is coming in a speech as you are slow at foreseeing its consequences. In a word, you live in some non-real world." He pleaded for the rigorous application of the extreme penalty already voted.

But our adversary objects the instance is not truly analogous. But what, we ask, establishes the non-reality of jars and pieces of cloth? The point to decide is of what nature such difference is. Does it not mean that the judgment 'This is a jar' implies the negation of pieces of cloth and other things? Hence everything that is additional to pure Being is non-real.

He, moreover, who holds the theory of error resting on a non-real defect, will find it difficult to prove the impossibility of error being without any substrate; for, if the cause of error may be unreal, error may be supposed to take place even in case of its substrate being unreal. And the consequence of this would be the theory of a general Void.