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The eight chapters of this book deal mainly with Pali Buddhism a convenient and non-controversial termand not with the Mahayana, though they note the tendencies which found expression in it.

In other words, in place of small violently antagonistic parties, moderate men inclined to come together to carry out a broad, non-controversial, national programme. There are few more remarkable developments in Canada between 1840 and 1867 than this tendency towards government by a single party.

'I've not ratted, you know. I'm still an A.P. I shall come on the next tour of investigation, whenever that is. 'Shall you write for the Haste? I asked her. 'Sometimes, I expect. Oliver says he can get me some of the reviewing. And occasional non-controversial articles. But I don't want to be tied up with it; I want to write for other papers too.... You take Johnny's poetry, I observe.

English public men have been brought up to assume that in Ireland education must be a battleground inevitably, and from the first. It would be a mere paradox to say that this question, which sunders parties the world over as with a sword, will leave opinion in Ireland inviolately unanimous. But our march to the field of controversy will be over a non-controversial road.

"But I didn't mean to seem rude," said Cally, in a perfectly natural manner, "and I am really very sorry to to change the afternoon's plans. I don't feel quite well, and I think perhaps I ought to rest just till dinner-time. You remember you are dining with us to-night." The apology, the pacific, non-controversial tone, unbent the young man instantly.

Religious instruction will be a delicate matter for the indefinite future; but inspirational talks on non-controversial themes should find place, and perhaps a presentation of different religious views in rotation by representatives of different communions. In some way, at least, recognition should be made of the important role played by religion in life.

Tompsett-King, was a solicitor, but he was much more than that, An elderly, quiet gentleman, who talked in a whisper, and seemed to walk in one too, he presided over more than one learned Society, and spoke at Congresses on non-controversial topics. A sound churchman, he deplored Romish advance on the one hand and easy divorce on the other.