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The mirrors and lighting-fixtures are, of course, designed to harmonize with the carvings of the woodwork. Monsieur de Nolhac and Sardou were most helpful to us when such architectural problems had to be solved. We have not used the extravagant lace curtains that seem to go with brocades and carvings, because we are modern enough not to believe in lace curtains.

Without following it in all its various incidents, it will suffice to say that this love of Petrarch for Laura, which lasted for so many years, exerted a powerful influence upon the poet and had much to do in shaping the character which was to win for him in later times the praise which Pierre de Nolhac has bestowed upon him in calling him the first modern man.

He was quite the most erudite man I have ever known. He had as much to say about the restoration of our house as we. He introduced us to Monsieur de Nolhac, the conservator of the Château de Versailles, who gave us the details of our villa as it had been a century and a half ago, and helped us remake the garden on the lines of the original one.

All the galeriens of all the convict prisons in Europe seem to have come and set the fashion in this superb city which had given it to all Europe." "Un Sejour en France," p. 43. I, myself, have been almost knocked down for wearing a straw hat trimmed with green ribbons." Nolhac, "Souvenirs de Trois Annees de la Revolution at Lyons," p.132. Archives Nationales, AF.,II., 72.

It is due to M. de Nolhac, the Conservateur du Musée de Versailles, that this happy amelioration has been brought about and that Mansart's admirable work is again as it was in the days of Madame de Maintenon and those of the later Napoleon I. In spite of all this the Trianon of to-day is not what it was in the eighteenth century.

II . For the spirit of early humanism see H. C. Hollway-Calthrop, Petrarch: his Life and Times ; J. H. Robinson and H. W. Rolfe, Petrarch, the First Modern Scholar and Man of Letters, 2d ed. , a selection from Petrarch's letters to Boccaccio and other contemporaries, translated into English, with a valuable introduction; Pierre de Nolhac, Petrarque et l'humanisme, 2d ed., 2 vols. in 1 . Of the antecedents of humanism a convenient summary is presented by Louise Loomis, Mediaeval Hellenism . A popular biography of Erasmus is that of Ephraim Emerton, Desiderius Erasmus ; the Latin Letters of Erasmus are now in course of publication by P. S. Allen; F. M. Nichols, The Epistles of Erasmus, 2 vols.