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If you would learn more of this charming insect, look for Simulium molestum in a book which treats the subject scientifically. =No-see-um. Punky. Midge= There is another pest of the North Woods which the guides call the no-see-um. It is a very diminutive midge resembling the mosquito in form and viciousness, but so small as to be almost invisible.

I watched that bird named Riggs here today. He's a regular fellow, or he was, but now he's simply lost in the shuffle. I don't want to be one of the million ghosts in a city. Seattle is bad enough it's so big that I feel like a no-see-um in a Norway pine reserve. But New York would be a lot worse. I don't want to be a Mr. Riggs." "Yes, but I'm not a Mrs. Riggs!" "What do you "

Night and day are the same to the no-see-um; its warfare is continuous and its bite very annoying, but it disappears with the black-fly in July or August. By September the mountains and woods are swept clear of all these troublesome things, except at times and in some places the ever-hungry mosquito, which will linger on for a last bite in his summer feast.

We have some nice trips lined up this summer day trips, and a canoe trip: Marsh, Myth, and Earth Mother." "Sounds buggy," he said. "Oh, Oliver! Tents, silly. No-see-um netting." "The cry of the loon across the night," Oliver interrupted. "Right," she said. "Drumming for Gaia is a popular trip. Sometimes I go along quality control, you know." "Inspector Jennifer," Oliver said.