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Morgan said, with grave dignity, "nor to serve you nor hany man. But as I wish you to be comftable as long as you stay in my house, I came up to do what's nessary." And once more, and for the last time, Mr. James Morgan laid out the silver dressing-case, and strapped the shining razor.

Morgan, will you have the great kindness to " "I shall show him what is nessary, sir, and what is customry for you to wish to ave done. Will you please to take breakfast 'ere or at the Club, Major Pendennis?" "With your kind permission, I will breakfast here, and afterwards we will make our little arrangements." "If you please, sir." "Will you now oblige me by leaving the room?"

I come into the army expecting to fight and lay down my life if nessary and I am not one of the kind that are looking for an out and trying to hide behind a desk or something because I am afraid to go into the trenchs but I guess if you know something about baseball you won't accuse me from not having the old nerve because they can't no man hold onto a job in the big leagues unless a man is fearless and does their best work under fire and especially a pitcher.

"I repeat, sir, that you are exceedingly polite," said the major. "Come in, Frosch you will do very well Mr. Morgan, will you have the great kindness to " "I shall show him what is nessary, sir, and what is customry for you to wish to ave done. Will you please to take breakfast 'ere or at the Club, Major Pendennis?"

Morgan said, with grave dignity, "nor to serve you nor hany man. But as I wish you to be comftable as long as you stay in my house, I came up to do what's nessary." And once more, and for the last time, Mr. James Morgan laid out the silver dressing-case, and strapped the shining razor.

Either lemme go or shut down on it, one o' the six! But it's most nessary, I do assure you." "Maybe she won't have you. Why should those grand ladies allow a boy of your age at their dinner-table?" "Because you ask 'em, sir." Fibsy's tone was full of a quiet dignity. "Very well, I'll ask them," and Stone went away to the telephone.