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He would have succeeded, too, had Prescott relied upon his strength alone. But Dick employed both hands in getting a neck-hold that hurt. "Now, quit your fooling," Prescott advised, "or I'll let out a whoop that will bring five more fellows here. Do you know what they would do to you? They'd just about lynch you -schoolboy fashion. Do you know what a schoolboy lynching is?"

Utirupa ran in to drag the assailant off, but Trotters got there first chose his neck-hold like a wolf in battle and in another second Dick was free with Tess kneeling beside him while a life-and-death fight between animal and man raged between the bars of silver. "Gungadhura!" Yasmini shouted, waving her lantern for a sight of the struggling man's face.

Jack would have been thrown off, but for the tight neck-hold he had. Next the beast kicked its hind feet into the air, and Jack came near sliding to the neck. "Drop off!" cried Nat. "Stay on!" shouted John, who, seeing his friend's plight, had turned and was riding back. "He'll be killed if he stays on," shouted Nat. "Yes, and he'll be trampled to death if he leaps off," called back John.

"You and I are going to have a little heart-to-heart talk." He made no effort to rise, so I leaned over and hauled him up by the collar. By the feel of him he was some forty pounds lighter than I, and I made a mental note of that in case we had a scrimmage on the way. Weight counts a good deal in a rough-and-tumble. I got a good neck-hold on him, and then I turned to Moira.

This kind of speculation has charms that get a good neck-hold upon attention. For example, if I am really a lunatic, and the persons and things that I seem to see about me have no objective existence, what an ingenious though disordered imagination I must have! What a clever coup it was to invent Mr. Rockefeller and clothe him with the attribute of permanence!