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I suppose you don't do such things in England?" and at his laughing answer, "I don't know; I've never been to Church in England. But I shouldn't think so," her neatly-brushed and braided temper came down. She came to a sudden stop.

However, my schooling was of some service to him in striking a balance, and at nightfall the business was agreeably settled. The next day was the Sabbath, and in the morning Captain Flett appeared on deck dressed in his finest clothes of blue cloth, and wearing a very respectable soft felt hat over his neatly-brushed hair. The mate, Jerry, and I were also apparelled in our Sunday best.

They did not waken until near noon, but this would allow them to reach home before night; and they enjoyed their first meal of the day, arrayed in their dry and neatly-brushed garments, and refreshed by bathing their hands, faces and feet in the brook. The day was bright and delightfully cool after the rain, and in fine spirits they bade the forest-keeper's wife good-bye as they set out for home.

Roberts had intuitions, and was given to certain acts, concerning which she could not give to others satisfactory explanations. Therefore, she sometimes left china where others would have judged the plainest stoneware more prudent and sensible. A bit of bright carpet was spread at the side of the bed. A fire glowed in the neatly-brushed stove.

And if Mr. Withells had seen what happened to the "sensible" Miss Ross just then, his neatly-brushed hair would have stood straight on end. In the road, too! "No," said Jan, "it would be like marrying a widow ... with encumbrances." "But you don't happen to be a widow besides, if you were, and had a dozen encumbrances, if we want to get married it's nobody's business but our own."

Tip came down from the garret, with neatly-brushed hair, and dressed in his clean shirt, nicely mended jacket, and the shiny collar. It was wonderful what a difference that collar made; he didn't look like the same boy. "Kitty," he said, his face all aglow with pleasure, "where did I get a collar?" "It's father's; he said wear it," answered Kitty. "And how did it get on my jacket?"