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They therefore came at last to a resolution to return to Nain, and commit themselves to the protection of the Lord. On the 17th, the wind had considerably increased with heavy showers of snow and sleet, but they set off at half-past ten o'clock in the forenoon.

On the 5th of October five families of Arcktok came from Chateau Bay back to Nain; they now spoke in a very different tone respecting the "good and kind" Europeans; they had quarrelled with their friends, who had seized their wives, and afterwards maltreated and threatened to shoot themselves; while they, probably, had not altogether refrained from their old thievish practices.

The art of fine carving, however, seems to be dying out among them, and now there is but one family, at Nain, who do anything of the sort worthy the name of carving. Prof. Lee obtained several very fine specimens for the Bowdoin cabinets, but as a rule it is very high priced and rare.

Letter from a converted Esquimaux to his teacher. Industry of the awakened. Declension of religion at Nain, and Okkak. State of the children at Hopedale. Progress of the adults in knowledge, love, and zeal instances. Striking conversion of two young Esquimaux, its effects upon their countrymen. Awakening spreads to Nain and to Okkak. Zeal of the converts towards the heathen rouses backsliders.

Also a mile from Mount Tabor is the Mount Hermon; and there was the city of Nain. Before the gate of that city raised our Lord the widow's son, that had no more children. Also three miles from Nazareth is the Castle Safra, of the which the sons of Zebedee and the sons of Alpheus were.

Ere they arrived, news was brought that the Esquimaux in the island of Kerniteksut, two hours distant from Nain, had been so fortunate as to find a dead whale.

Here I engaged, with the aid of the missionaries, Paulus Avalar and Boas Anton with twelve dogs to go with us to Nain, and after one day at Okak our march was resumed.

The Nain Rouge it was who claimed half of the old mill, on Presque Isle, that the sick and irritable Josette swore that she would leave to the devil when her brother Jean pestered her to make her will in his favor, giving him complete ownership.

They consist in remains of walls and graves, with a low stone enclosure round the tomb, covered with a slab of the same material. They have been discovered on islands near Nain, and though sparingly, all along the whole eastern coast, but we saw none in Ungava bay. The rocks on Amitok contain large masses of a crumbly, semi-transparent garnet, of a reddish hue.

Fiftieth anniversary of the missionary vessel's first arrival in Labrador jubilee of the mission celebrated at Nain. Summary view of the success of the gospel in Labrador during that period. Instance of maternal affection. Esquimaux contribute to the Bible Society. British sloop of war, Clinker, visits Hopedale.