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I seen a buzzard flying around in front of our line, and I says to myself, "Buzzard, you is in a mighty dangerous position. You better git out uf dat, 'cause dey ain't room out dar for a muskeeter." Another remarked, 'Say, did you see dat man Brown; pity dat man been killed. He'd a been a corporal, sho. "In the utter exhaustion of the moment all race and social distinctions were forgotten.

And one muskeeter standin' on its head does all that, hey?" "So they say. Also they say it's only the female that bites." "Yeah. I believe it. I been stung more 'n once by females before now. How about the yeller fever? Git that the same way?" "Same way, only a different mosquito the stegomyia. When you begin to vomit black you're gone. And if you get beriberi you're gone, too.

But Maudie was tired of giving information and getting none. The answer came from one in the group. "Yes, that French feller came in with a couple o' fusst-class horses. He's camped away over there beyond Muskeeter." He pointed down Bonanza. "P'raps you won't mind just mentionin'," said Maudie with growing irritation, "why you're makin' yourself so busy about my friends?"

Wilkins seized the propitious moment to say impressively: "David Sterlin' has enlisted!" "Sho! has he, though?" "Of course he has! any man with the spirit of a muskeeter would." "Well, he ain't got a family, you see." "He's got his old mother, that sister home from furrin' parts somewheres, and Christie just going to be married. I should like to know who's got a harder family to leave than that?"