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At the convention in 1884 Roosevelt took an important part for so young a man. He made speeches and worked for Senator Edmunds, but Mr. Blaine was nominated. This caused a split in the party, and many of its members joined the Democrats. They were called by their opponents "Mugwumps," and since they believed they were acting for the best, they did not mind being called that or any other name.

Blaine and to flirt with those Ruperts of American politics, the Mugwumps. "The man who sets up as being much better than his age is always to be suspected," says a historian, "and Cato is perhaps the best specimen of the rugged hypocrite that history can produce." As a summary of the character of Cato, this is admirable, but no one would call Mr. Lodge "rugged." Mr.

While a few mugwumps, like Josef Phewlitzer and Apollyon Halicarnassus Below, and tearful Miss Nancys of the Anglo- maniacal school, are protesting that this country wants peace, Congress, that faithful mirror of public opinion, if not always the repository of wisdom, proves that it is eager for war.

Consider Lord Harcourt heir to the most sacred traditions of the party game hurling scorn at a project that would introduce "faddists, mugwumps," and so on and so on in fact independent thinking men into the legislature. Consider the value of Lord Curzon's statement that London "rose in revolt" against the project.

At the Democratic meetin' the other night, the Professor spoke, and spoke well. What he said was popcorn; but it took with the Mugwumps them that think themselves too high-falutin' to work with either party, jest as if organization was no good, an' a mob was as strong as an army. Wall, he talked for an hour about purity an' patriotism, and when he had warmed 'em up he went bald-headed for me.

"Who is this Dalgetty fellow Sprague mentions? I never heard of him in politics." "Nor I. Some ward heeler he thinks I resemble, I guess." "He'd have made his point stronger by taking somebody that the plain people know. That's something mugwumps never learn." "And there's another thing they don't grasp," Shelby added.

At the Democratic meetin' the other night, the Professor spoke, and spoke well. What he said was popcorn; but it took with the Mugwumps them that think themselves too highfalutin' to work with either party, jest as if organization was no good, an' a mob was as strong as an army. Wall, he talked for an hour about purity an' patriotism, and when he had warmed 'em up he went bald- headed for me.