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Outwardly she never showed her dislike of me, but I felt it, and, as I sat on the bottom step of the terrace, I had a certain irritation and said that treating the peasants without being a doctor meant deceiving them, and that it is easy to be a benefactor when one owns four thousand acres. Her sister, Missyuss, had no such cares and spent her time in complete idleness, like myself.

"For the sake of a girl like that a man might not only become a Zemstvo worker, but might even become worn out, like the tale of the iron boots. And Missyuss? How charming Missyuss is!" Bielokurov began to talk at length and with his drawling er-er-ers of the disease of the century pessimism. He spoke confidently and argumentatively.

"Missyuss, go away," said Lyda to her sister, evidently thinking my words dangerous to so young a girl. Genya looked sadly at her sister and mother and went out. "People generally talk like that," said Lyda, "when they want to excuse their indifference. It is easier to deny hospitals and schools than to come and teach." "True, Lyda, true," her mother agreed.

She did not take part in serious conversations, for by the family she was not considered grown-up, and they gave her her baby-name, Missyuss, because as a child she used to call her English governess that.

And even more rarely, when I am sad and lonely, I begin already to recollect and it seems to me that I, too, am being remembered and waited for, and that we shall meet.... Missyuss, where are you? In a smoking-compartment of the mail-train from Petrograd to Moscow sat a young lieutenant, Klimov by name.

We played croquet and lawn-tennis, walked in the garden, had tea, and then a large supper. After the huge pillared hall, I felt out of tune in the small cosy house, where there were no oleographs on the walls and the servants were treated considerately, and everything seemed to me young and pure, through the presence of Lyda and Missyuss, and everything was decent and orderly.

In the windows of the mezzanine, where Missyuss had her room, shone a bright light, and then a faint green glow. The lamp had been covered with a shade.