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They kept to little frequented byways, and usually it was the early hours of morning, or the cool of late afternoons when they took the road. The heat of silent middays found them lounging beside shady pools, where the ripple of fretted waters filled the pauses in their talk.

The Indians watched them, cold at the heart, for the people in the Great Father's Country were numerous as the sands of the sea, terrible as an army with banners. The days were very hot. Brilliant, dewless mornings, blinding middays, afternoons held breathless in the remorseless torrent of light.

"He's dangerous." The days that followed were all alike: days of toil that began before sunrise, continued through blazing middays, and ended after sundown. Always, before and behind, the gang picked and shovelled, always the eyes of the guards were turning toward him. Always against the horizon the mountains, flecked at midday with clouds and shadows, beckoned him like a mirage.

The gray Lady of the North cast her spell about them, the freshness of her mornings, the still heat of her middays, the slant, pensive radiance of her afternoons, and the pale splendor of her auroral nights.

But at last spring came; late and with bitter winds and showers of sleet, but none the less wonderful, especially as one had to look to see the tentative signs of its coming. March in Marbridge used to mean violets and daffodils, tender green shoots and balmy middays.

The silences and middays like to this, which have passed before the eyes of these giants ambushed in their colonnades who could count them? High above us, lost in the incandescent blue, soar the birds of prey and they were there in the times of the Pharaohs, displaying in the air identical plumages, uttering the same cries.