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I've done my share; it's for Sellers to take an innings, now." So he sent this message to New York: "Come back. Hire special train. She's going to marry the materializee." Meantime a note came to Rossmore Towers to say that the Earl of Rossmore had just arrived from England, and would do himself the pleasure of calling in the evening.

His tears were flowing fast, and now and then a sob broke upon the stillness. Presently he said: "I knew her when she was a little child and used to climb about my knees; I love her as I love my own, and now oh, poor thing, poor thing, I cannot bear it! she's gone and lost her heart to this mangy materializee! Why didn't we see that that might happen? But how could we?

He said in his most conspicuously casual vein: "Er uh by the way, Hawkins, we are feeling disappointed about this thing the way the materializee is acting, I mean we are disappointed; you concede that?" "Concede it? Why, yes, if you like the term." "Very well; so far, so good. Now for the basis of the feeling.

It is not that your heart, your affections are concerned; that is to say, it is not that you want the materializee Itself. You concede that?" "Yes, I concede that, too cordially." "Very well, again; we are making progress.

To sum up: The feeling, it is conceded, is not engendered by the mere conduct of the materializee; it is conceded that it does not arise from any pang which the personality of the materializee could assuage. Now then," said the earl, with the light of triumph in his eye, "the inexorable logic of the situation narrows us down to this: our feeling has its source in the money-loss involved.