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I do not wonder thou canst lye, for thou'rt a Coward! Didst not thou draw upon him? Is not thy Sword yet out? Did I not see thee fierce, and active too, as if thou hadst dar'd? Sir Tim. Why, he's gone, Sir; a Pox of all Mistakes and Masqueradings I say this was your Plot, Sham. Char. Coward! Shew then thy Face. Sir Tim. Char. Shew thy Face without delay, or Sir Tim. My Face, Sir!

He was proud of the grace with which he could perform the most difficult pirouettes. He had plays written, with parts expressly composed for his aristocratic troop. The scene of these masqueradings was the theatre of the Hotel du Petit Bourbon, which was contiguous to the Louvre. When royalty plays and courtiers fill pit and gallery, applause is without stint.

And do not the lesser and commonplace emotions seem trivial in comparison all the heats and passions and sentimental vapours the sighs and vows and languishing all the inevitable trappings and masqueradings which bedizzen what men know as love do they not all seem mean and petty compared to our deep, sweet knowledge of each other?" "You are wonderful," I said humbly.

They consisted in an endless variety of dances, masqueradings, and nondescript orgies; and a scrupulous adherence to all the traditional forms was held to be of the last moment, as the slightest failure in this respect might entail serious calamities. If children were seen in their play imitating any of these mysteries, they were grimly rebuked and punished.