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The bath was small, dark, and disappointing in appearance to the man from overseas, to whom the term "Roman bath" had conveyed an impression of vast vaulted rooms, and marble-lined swimming-pools. The bath itself was long enough for a plunge, but too small for a swim, and a hasty diver would be in danger of bumping his head on the bottom.

The evening ended early, for the officers from Delhi were fatigued with their long ride, and being shown into a little square marble-lined room off the great hall where they had supped, were soon apparently asleep on the cushions and shawls spread for them.

How often, there in the city, in the midst of the great noises she had fought to escape the little noises! Her father's feet were on the steps leading into the kitchen. Now he was putting the pail of water on the box by the kitchen sink. Upstairs her mother's body fell heavily into bed. The visions of the great marble-lined ravine down along which went the beautiful people flew away.

The carriage stopped, but it was some moments before they realized it. "You may come up in a little while," she whispered, "and lunch with me if you like." "If I like!" he repeated. But she was on the sidewalk, following the bell boy into the cool, marble-lined area of the hotel. A smiling clerk handed her a pen, and set the new universe to rocking. "Mrs. Leffingwell, I presume?

Why, then, such agitation over the creature's disappearance? But she wanted him "bad." He hurried into the torrid street out of the cool, marble-lined hall, like a factory hand dismissed from his job. It was the first break with the order of things he had grown into. But he had no time for regrets.

The carriage stopped, but it was some moments before they realized it. "You may come up in a little while," she whispered, "and lunch with me if you like." "If I like!" he repeated. But she was on the sidewalk, following the bell boy into the cool, marble-lined area of the hotel. A smiling clerk handed her a pen, and set the new universe to rocking. "Mrs. Leffingwell, I presume?

The carriage stopped, but it was some moments before they realized it. "You may come up in a little while," she whispered, "and lunch with me if you like." "If I like!" he repeated. But she was on the sidewalk, following the bell boy into the cool, marble-lined area of the hotel. A smiling clerk handed her a pen, and set the new universe to rocking. "Mrs. Leffingwell, I presume?

The masculine Clark Streeter may be of the kind that begs a dime for a bed, or he may loll in manicured luxury at the marble-lined hotel. South Clark Street is so splendidly indifferent. Copy-hunting, I approached Tony with hope in my heart, a smile on my lips, and a nickel in my hand. "Philadelphia er Inquirer?" I asked, those being the city and paper which fire my imagination least.