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The road lay through green aisles of bamboo that met overhead, and it was cold and wet under them for some hours. At mid-day we stopped and the syce went back with the pony cart, and I unpacked some fishing tackle to have a try for Mahseer on a river some distance beyond our halting place.

Terriers' lives here are short and full of sport, and leopards love them. What an adventuresome day Bag one crow one Mahseer. The desperate play of the Mahseer and our adventure into China had tired us, so that we left Kulong Cha late, after a "European breakfast"; which is to say, a breakfast at or about nine, and rode with much pleasure till lunch time.

The river must be much netted by the coolies who camp for the night here; as I wound up before lunch one of these, a Chinaman, with a boy came and cast a circular net with great skill over half the pool in which I'd landed the Mahseer, but they didn't get anything, as I expect I'd driven the Mahseer into the rough water at the top of the pool.

Rising one morning at early dawn, before the sun leaped above the eastern hills, we took boat and rowed to one of the island palaces, where, after fishing for mahseer, we breakfasted on a marble balcony overlooking the ripples of the Pichola Lake, which lapped the feet of a group of great marble elephants.

"Oh, guardian, aren't you rather too hard?" said the boy appealingly. "But you weren't only going to write to the Doctor about that?" "Humph! No. I had some idea about salmon-fishing when the season comes on." "Oh, fishing!" cried the boys in a breath. "Yes," said the Colonel. "It won't be like getting up in the hills amongst the mahseer. Bah! Here am I running away about fishing!