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His legs looked very much like he had a bad case of locomotor ataxia, but the buttons on his coat were quite regular and his arms hung at his sides like ramrods. After careful inspection which occasioned considerable laughter, the beaten-biscuit man was rolled up in tissue paper and placed in a Christmas box "just his size."

I went down the ward to the bunk, and we cut the pink iced cake left over from Christmas.... I did not mean to forget him, but I forgot him. From birth to death we are alone.... But one of the Sisters remembered him. "Mr. Wicks is still in the dumps," she remarked. "What is really the matter with him, Sister?" "Locomotor ataxy." And she added as she drank her tea, "It's his own fault."

Or that Pishposh, the man-eating alligator, is down with locomotor ataxia. Or that Damon, the grizzly, has just finished his brother Pythias in the tenth round, chewing off his tail, nose and remaining ear. Science, of course, has its uses for the lower animals.

He asks the subtlest questions, and Jane Gray doesn't do a thing but let her tongue get locomotor ataxia, and Kobu can make nothing of her answers. It's as good as vaudeville to hear them. He'd just as well leave her alone. Torture wouldn't make her tell what she knows, and she doesn't have to either! He did me too. What does it matter? I told him all I knew. That is most all.