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And then God save the Commonwealth! But if they ever realized how far that League'll go if it ever gets under way, and what a bunch of hocum Mix's part of it is " He stopped abruptly, and froze in his place; and then, to Anna's amazement, he turned to her with a whoop which could have carried half-way to the Orpheum. "Henry! What on earth is it?" Henry snatched up his hat and made for the door.

If the amendment passes, you see they'll only have the advantage of six weeks of fair competition. I mean, Henry'd lose only six weeks of his unfair competition. And then we've got to see about getting new quarters for the League, when our Masonic Hall lease runs out, and " "But our advertising'll be running just the same, and the League'll still have its public meetings, and all.

"And the first thing we know, the League'll have put in such a big wedge that it'll be too late to get it out. If this amendment gets over, Mix'll have a show in the fall, and then the League'll run wild. Just as they said in those pamphlets that Mix published, and then squirmed out of. Isn't that so?" "Very likely. Very likely."

Now I've got a real platform to fight on. And the League'll have a real fund, won't it? You put up forty or fifty thousand, and we'll stage a Waterloo." "And you can stand there and oh, you coward!" He shook his head, with new dignity. "No, you're simply lucky Rowland didn't think of it a year ago. If he had, and " Mr. Mix broke off the sentence, and turned pale. "What's the matter, Theodore?"