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If he once promises a thing . . ." No one saw Gerasim during the day. He did not have dinner at home. Evening came on; they were all gathered together to supper, except him. "What a strange creature that Gerasim is!" piped a fat laundrymaid; "fancy, upsetting himself like that over a dog. . . . Upon my word!"

If he once promises a thing.... No one saw Gerasim during the day. He did not have dinner at home. Evening came on; they were all gathered together to supper, except him. 'What a strange creature that Gerasim is! piped a fat laundrymaid; 'fancy, upsetting himself like that over a dog.... Upon my word! 'But Gerasim has been here, Stepan cried all at once, scraping up his porridge with a spoon.

Marjory gave her uncle a grateful look, which was meant to make up for the formal "Thank you, uncle," which was all that she could find to say. The girls went to the kitchen, where Lisbeth was working. Lisbeth having set the laundrymaid to work, was once more her usual smiling self, and was quite pleased to hear the news.

What have I to do with it? 'Why, haven't you been plotting with that old hag, the housekeeper, eh? Haven't you been telling tales, eh? Tell me, aren't you bringing all sorts of stories up against the defenceless girl? I suppose it's not your doing that she's been degraded from laundrymaid to washing dishes in the scullery?

In great families, indeed, where many servants are required, those distinctions of chambermaid, housemaid, cookmaid, laundrymaid, nurserymaid, &c., are requisite, to the end that each may take her particular business, and many hands may make the work light; but for a private gentleman, of a small fortune, to be obliged to keep so many idle jades, when one might do the business, is intolerable, and matter of great grievance.

It was Bella the laundrymaid she saw him from the window, and had a turn. The window was open. "Why, Struan," she said but he told her to shut mouth and eyes. "The less you see, and know," he said, "the better for you." Poor Struan, with his tragedy airs! Bella told that to Minnie, and that she would never forget it to her dying day.

Madam, replied she pertly; I know my business; and do not fear a service; there are more places than parish churches; if you wash at home, you should have a laundrymaid; if you give entertainments, you must have a cookmaid; if you have any needlework, you should have a chambermaid; and such a house as this is enough for a housemaid in all conscience.