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"When did you come back from the fair?" cried the girl shrilly, "I lost you there, you know-and you man-aged to lose ME but I have waited! waited patiently for news of you! . . . and when none came, I still waited, making myself beautiful! . . . see! " And she thrust her fingers through her long hair, throwing it about in wilder disorder than ever.

'I don't know, said Dolores; 'and why did you say the Lord's Prayer? That hasn't anything to do with it! 'Oh, Dolly, when He is our Father near, though our own dear fathers are far away, and there's deliver us from evil all that hurts us, you know-and forgive us. It's all there. 'I never thought that, said Dolores. 'I think you have some different prayers from mine.

X giving this account to Belinda, drew back her curtain, and said, "Go this instant, doctor I am out of all immediate danger, you say; but if I were not I must die in the course of a few months, you know-and what is my life, compared with the chance of saving your excellent friend! He is of some use in the world I am of none-go this instant, doctor." "What a pity," said Dr.

We know-and all people know-so many specimens of this class, that in selecting the few heads our limits enable us to take from a great number, we have been induced to give the very friendly young gentleman the preference over many others, to whose claims upon a more cursory view of the question we had felt disposed to assign the priority.