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There is reason to think that the three sons of Rut-tetet became the three kings of the fifth dynasty who were known by the names of Khāfrā, Menkaurā, and Userkaf.

It was unlike any of its neighbors and a unique type until one views the modern mulatto; then the faces of Rahotep and Nefert, of Khafra and Amenemhat I, of Aahmes and Nefertari, and even of the great Ramessu II, become curiously familiar. The history of Egypt is a science in itself.

So all the professional thieves and all the police set themselves to seek out the lawless plunderers." "Humph!" interpolated Kenkenes expressively. "Aye. And it was not long with all these upon the scent until Khafra and Sigur were discovered coming forth from a tomb laden with spoil, and in the struggle which ensued they did murder.

He touched a man near him on the shoulder. "Who may these distracted women be?" he asked. "The mothers of Khafra and Sigur, and their women." "Nay! Are these men dead? I knew them once. "They are by this time. They were to be hanged in the dungeon of the house of the governor of police at this hour," the man answered with morbid relish in his tone. Kenkenes looked at him in horror.

This lasted two thousand years, with many Pharaohs, like Khafra of the Fourth Dynasty, of a strongly Negroid cast of countenance. At the end of the period the empire fell apart into Egyptian and Ethiopian halves, and a silence of three centuries ensued.