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I s'pose you know we've all sorts of meetin's in this country?" "Nein; I dought dere might be meetin's for bolitics, vhen der beople might coome, but I don't know vhat else." "Is't possible! What, have you no 'indignation meetin's' in Jarmany? We count a great deal on our indignation meetin's, and both sides have'em in abundance, when things get to be warm.

I bounced a little, as "one has one-half of a bed" would be nearer to the truth, though the other half might be in another room. "Oh! that's it, is't? Wa-a-l, every country has its ways, I s'pose. Jarmany is a desp'ate aristocratic land, I take it." "Ja; dere ist moch of de old feudal law, and feudal coostum still remaining in Charmany." "Landlords a plenty, I guess, if the truth was known.

To-morrow we are to have a great anti-rent lecturer out " "A vhat?" "A lecturer; one that lectur's, you understand, on anti-rentism, temperance, aristocracy, government, or any other grievance that may happen to be uppermost. Have you no lecturers in Jarmany?" "Ja, ja; dere ist lecturers in das universities blenty of dem." "Well, we have 'em universal and partic'lar, as we happen to want 'em.

Is that to be borne in a free country? They'd hardly stand that in Jarmany, I'm thinkin'. A man that is such an aristocrat us to refuse to sell anything, I despise." "Veil, dey stand to der laws in Charmany, and broperty is respected in most coontries. You vouldn't do away wid der rights of broperty, if you mights, I hopes?"