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From the study of his character, one might fancy that "Great Jove of Mount High Olympus" was come again with only his name changed from Jove to Jehovah, for He brought with him all the "high days," and ceremonies, and every vice and delinquency, and outrage that had marked pagan rule. He gave special directions as to the killings-off of the Hitites, and the Jebusites and all the other ites.

It's admittedly the most powerful explosive ever discovered, as well as the easiest handled. Temperature, weather, ordinary shock have absolutely no effect on it; in fire it simply chars and doesn't explode. Yet when it is exploded by the proper method, lyddite, dynamite, and all the other ites, are as a gentle zephyr in comparison. Now tell me about last night; where were you?"

Centenary celebrations were held throughout the country, at which men were exhorted to study the history of an era when men were proud to die for the land they loved. For a space we listened to the martial music of other days, and our hearts throbbed to its stirring notes. The soul of the nation was uplifted above the squalid rivalries of the "'ites" and the "'isms."

Then there is the Rouge party, led by the member for Montreal, which is principally composed of very versatile and enthusiastic Frenchmen of rather indefinite opinions and aims, professing a creed which appears a curious compound of Republicanism and Rationalism. The word Latitudinarianism defines it best. There are 130 members, divided into numerous "ists" and "ites."

There were no robbers, nor murderers, neither were there Lamanites, nor any manner of ites; but they were in one, the children of Christ, and heirs to the kingdom of God. And how blessed were they!

There weren't to be any Ites or any other "furriners" left alive to pester his chosen people. He went right on giving directions as to how these people were to be disposed of, making such awful suggestions, specially as to the women, that if He had not been known to be God, He might have been recognized as the Head-up Devil. It has been written: "By their fruits ye shall know them."

But none of the Hadleyites, or, indeed, any other ites not even, probably, the Bank-of-Englandites, or the City-of-London-Widows'-Fundites knew very well what his means were; and when, therefore, people at Hadley spoke of his modest household, they were apt to speak of it as being very insufficient for such a millionaire. Hitherto George had always passed some part of his vacations at Hadley.