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"Ma questo e ignorato dalla folla la quale continua a protestare. "Alle finestre si affacciano vari ufficiali e sventolano bandiere italiane; poi il maggiore Saylor accenna a parlare. "Si fa un gran silenzio.

Muratori, Storia d' Italia, vol. 7. p. 135. Leipsic, 1748. Muratori, Dissertazione sopra le Antichita Italiane, dissert. 4. Otto Frisingensis, lib. 1. cap. 23. Otto Frisingensis, ibid. Ibid. Otto Frisingensis, ibid. While Frederic was yet fighting his way home through Italy, Adrian had to face about and confront another foe in William, the Norman king of Sicily.

I wish I could here transcribe the most beautiful passage from Ruskin's Giotto and his Works in Padua, pp. 11, 12, describing the contrast between the landscape of Valdarno and the landscape of the hills of the Mugello district. I can only refer readers to the book, printed for the Arundel Society, 1854. See Trucchi, Poesie Italiane Inedite, vol. ii. p. 8.

In place of Rosmini's "psychologism," which was advanced by Descartes and which leads to skepticism, he seeks to substitute "ontologism," which is alone held capable of reconciling science and the Catholic religion. The review Filosofia delle Scuole Italiane, called into life by Mamiani in 1870, has been continued since 1886 under the direction of L. Ferri as the Rivista Italiana di Filosofia.

Bonino da Campione, the Milanese, who may have had a hand in the Arca di S. Agostino, carved the tomb of Can Signorio. That of Mastino II. was executed by another Milanese, Perino. See Trucchi, Poesie Italiane inedite, vol. ii. See the Illustrated work, Il Tabernacolo della Madonna d'Or sammichele, Firenze, 1851.

Further, in these affluent shelves may be found those great costly works which cross the border of "three figures," and of which only one or two of the public libraries can boast, such as the Celebri Famiglie Italiane of Litta, Denon's Egypt, the great French work on the arts of the middle ages, and the like; and many is the scholar who, unable to gratify his cravings elsewhere, has owed it to Lucullus that he has seen something he was in search after in one of these great books, and has been able to put it to public use.