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I have myself, after careful inspection of the Rochebriant property, volunteered to its owner to advance the money to pay off your hypotheque; and what would be said on the Bourse if Lucien Duplessis failed in an obligation?" "I think I can guess what will one day be said of Lucien Duplessis if he make an irrevocable enemy of Paul Louvier.

The first translation of the latter code was almost literal, and made without reference to the manners and historical antecedents of Servia: some of the blunders in it were laughable: Hypotheque was translated as if it had been Apotheke, and made out to be a depot of drugs!

I have myself, after careful inspection of the Rochebriant property, volunteered to its owner to advance the money to pay off your hypotheque; and what would be said on the Bourse if Lucien Duplessis failed in an obligation?" "I think I can guess what will one day be said of Lucien Duplessis if he make an irrevocable enemy of Paul Louvier.

M. Louvier allows a year's interest on his hypotheque to become due-notice thereof duly given to you by his agent now you come under the operation of the law. Of course, you know what the law is?"

M. Louvier allows a year's interest on his hypotheque to become due-notice thereof duly given to you by his agent now you come under the operation of the law. Of course, you know what the law is?"

There is a Rue de Louvier that runs its drains right through my purse. I am obliged to call in the moneys due to me. My agent informs me that I am just 7000 louis short of the total I need all other debts being paid in and that there is a trifle more than 7000 louis owned to me as interest on my hypotheque on Rochebriant: kindly pay into his hands before the end of this week that sum.

There is a Rue de Louvier that runs its drains right through my purse. I am obliged to call in the moneys due to me. My agent informs me that I am just 7000 louis short of the total I need all other debts being paid in and that there is a trifle more than 7000 louis owned to me as interest on my hypotheque on Rochebriant: kindly pay into his hands before the end of this week that sum.

Numbers of persons in France place their money on hypothèque, or mortgage, by which they make 5 per cent; the affair is arranged by means of a notaire, but often the most lucrative manner of placing money is what is called en commandite, that is, they invest a fixed sum in different descriptions of business, from which they receive a certain share, not appearing in the concern otherwise than having deposited a stated amount of money in it, for which alone, in case of bankruptcy, they are liable.