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Farina beheld himself in the service of the Emperor watching these signs, and expecting on the morrow to win glory and a name for Margarita. Glory and the name now won, old Gottlieb was just on the point of paternally blessing them, when a rude pat aroused him from the delicious moon-dream. 'Hero by day! house-guard by night! That tells a tale, said a cheerful voice.

The Earl and his brother lay wrapped in their plaids in one of the round towers of the outer defences. In the castle hall the retainers of the French ambassador slept side by side, or heads and tails with the archers of the house-guard. Lights flickered on the turnpike stair which led to the upper floors.

The bark of a hound is generally a soothing sound; but when the vigilant house-guard has an uneasy feeling, and changes his bark to a long whining howl, it inspires disquietude and anxiety. Only the spider in the web rejoiced at the sound of danger! They were coming!

In this fashion was Sholto MacKim placed in command of the house-guard of the castle of Thrieve. At parting with his father, the young captain received many wise and grave instructions, all of which he resolved to remember and profit by a resolution which he did not fail to keep for full five minutes.

There is some maid in the question, and if I advance you to the command of my house-guard and give you an officer's responsibility, you will of a surety be ever desiring to go gadding to the greenwood and around the loch of Carlinwark are most truly dangerous glades." "Nay, indeed nay," cried Sholto, eagerly.

"You will be my house-guard for several hours," said the officer to Trenck, who was standing at the door as he drove off. "I hope no one will come to disturb your solitude. My officers all accompany me, and I have no acquaintance in this little village.

Farina beheld himself in the service of the Emperor watching these signs, and expecting on the morrow to win glory and a name for Margarita. Glory and the name now won, old Gottlieb was just on the point of paternally blessing them, when a rude pat aroused him from the delicious moon-dream. 'Hero by day! house-guard by night! That tells a tale, said a cheerful voice.