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Twice he tried, and twice he failed, and meanwhile the mob shouted like anything. At last, however, he got it out "Thank God!" he stammered, "thank God you are safe!" For answer, she stretched out her hand and gave him one sweet look. He took it, and once more the carriage began to move on. "Where are you to be found?" he had the presence of mind to ask. "At Lady Holmhurst's.

Then several of the other counsel asked a question or two apiece, after which Eustace was told to stand down, and Lady Holmhurst was called. Lady Holmhurst's evidence was very short, merely amounting to the fact that she had seen Augusta's shoulders on board the Kangaroo, and that there was not then a sign of tattoo marks upon them, and when she saw them again in London they were tattooed.

That very afternoon Eustace returned to Lady Holmhurst's house in Hanover-square, to tell his dear Augusta that she must attend on the following morning to be filed in the Registry at Somerset House.

First of all he went to his club and seized a "Red-book," in which he discovered that Lord Holmhurst's, or, rather, Lady Holmhurst's, London house was in Hanover-square.

John Short, who departed about some business, saying that he would return at three o'clock drove off in Lady Holmhurst's carriage to the restaurant, where this delightful specimen of the genus Registrar stood them a most sumptuous champagne lunch, and made himself so agreeable, that both the ladies nearly fell in love with him, and even Eustace was constrained to admit to himself that good things can come out of the Divorce Court.

"I do not quite take Lady Holmhurst's point," he said plaintively. "Then you must be stupid," said Eustace, "Don't you see the joke? 'mesne profits, mean of them?" "Ah," said James, with satisfaction; "I perceive. Lady Holmhurst does not seem to be aware that although 'mesne' a totally erroneous word is pronounced 'mean, it is spelt m-e-s-n-e."