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They insisted upon a regular trial of the prisoners according to the laws of the land, that is to say, by the high court of Holland, which alone had jurisdiction in the premises. If they had been guilty of high-treason, they should be duly arraigned.

There was however no accusation that he had received bribes from the enemy or held traitorous communication with him, or that he had committed any act of high-treason.

So undefined was its constitution, and so conflicting were the various opinions in regard to it of eminent men, that it would be difficult to say how high-treason could be committed against it.

There was however no accusation that he had received bribes from the enemy or held traitorous communication with him, or that he had committed any act of high-treason.

High-treason is the name of that attempt; and it continues to be punished as such. Strange enough: here once more was a kind of Heaven-scaling Ixion; and to him, as to the old one, the just gods were very stern!

The Constable and Duchess meanwhile affected to be sufficiently satisfied with the state of things. Conde, however, received a letter from the King, formally summoning him to return to France, and, in case of refusal, declaring him guilty of high-treason for leaving the kingdom without the leave and against the express commands of the King.

"I well know," said she, with a sigh, as she signed the document "I well know that it would be better for this Ivan to be executed for high-treason than to remain in this condition, but I lack the courage for it. It is so horrible to kill a poor, innocent child!" "And in this way we attain our end more safely," said Lestocq, with a smile.

A sacrifice is usually irritating to the spectators, who remonstrate rather than listen to self-reproach; and Louis had been guilty of three great offences being in the right, making himself ridiculous, and submitting tamely besides the high-treason to Isabel's beauty. It was well that the Earl was safe out of the way of the son of the Pendragons!

"Ay, Sir, from the Secretary of State, for your arrest! You're charged with high-treason." "By those who've conspired with me?" "No! by those who've entrapped you! You've long eluded our vigilance; but we've caught you at last!" "Damnation!" exclaimed the woollen-draper; "that I should be the dupe of such a miserable artifice!" "It's no use lamenting now, Captain!

He behaved with astonishing gallantry throughout, and after his condemnation had been pronounced upon the fourth of August at the Guildhall, on the charge of high-treason, he sent a diamond ring from his own finger, of the value of £400, to the Queen to show that he bore her no personal ill-will.