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Cry Eman hetan now, messire! for there are those to-night who find the big cathedrals of your red-roofed Christian towns no more imposing than so many pimples on a butler's chin, because they ride so high, so very high, in this brave moonlight. Full-tide, full-tide!" Makrisi said, and his voice jangled like a bell as he drew aside the curtain so that the old knight saw into the room beyond.

Its roots strike deep in that strange element in human nature which dreads whatsoever is weird and uncanny in common experiences, and sees strange portents and dire chimeras in all that is unexplainable to the senses. "Emen Hetan, Emen Hetan, Palu, Baalberi, Astaroth help us Agora, Agora, Patrisa, Come and help us." "Garr-r: Garr-r, up: Don't knock Your head: We fly: We fly:"

Pouring forth a few drops of the liquid into a glass near her, Mistress Nutter swallowed them, and then taking some of the unguent upon her hands, proceeded to anoint her face and neck with it, exclaiming as she did so, "Emen hetan! Emen hetan!" words that fixed themselves upon the listener's memory.

"To the moon! to the stars! any where!" rejoined Dorothy, with a laugh of frantic glee. "I will go with you," cried Alizon, echoing the laugh. "Here and there! here and there!" exclaimed Dorothy, taking her hand. "Emen hetan! Emen hetan!" As the mystic words were uttered they started away.

Will o'the Wisp will marry the couple " "No, no! let Brachyotus!" "No, be it Kitt with the candle-stick!" "Eman hetan, a fight, a fight!" "Oho, Tom Tumbler, 'ware of Stadlin!" "Hast thou the marmaritin, Tib?" "A ab hur hus!" "Come, Bembo, come away!" So they all fell to screeching and whistling and wrangling high over Jurgen's head, and Jurgen was not pleased with his surroundings.