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They want me to bin in their stuffy little bazaar, crowded with people and donkeys; mere alley-ways with scarcely a twenty yard stretch from one angle to another; the surface is a disorganized mass of holes and stones over which the wary and hesitative donkey picks his way with the greatest care; and yet the popular clamor is "Bin, bin; bazaar, bazaar."

For four days more, he hung about the place, minatory, hesitative; but attempted nothing feasible; and on the fifth day, "for a certain weighty reason," as the Austrian Gazettes express it, he saw good to vanish into the Pirna Rock-Country, and be out of harm's way in the mean while!

Moreover, animals recognize the peculiar advantages of two to one in a fight equally with their human infer! superiors; and those two over there are apparently in no particular hurry to move on. They don't seem awed at my presence. On the contrary, they look suspiciously like being undecided and hesitative about whether to let me proceed peacefully on my way or not.

Soon a courageous bull-frog gives utterance to a subdued, hesitative croak; his excellent example is quickly followed by others; answering noises spring up in every direction, and ere long the midnight concert of the jungle is again in full melody. A comparatively cooling breeze blows across flooded jungle and rice-field in the morning.

Not for two weeks more does he ascertain it to have been a march upon the Olmutz Country, and the intricate forks of the Morawa River; with a view to besieging Olmutz, by this wily Enemy! Upon which Daun did strive to bestir himself thitherward, at last; and, though very slow and hesitative, his measures otherwise were unexceptionable, and turned out luckier than had been expected by some people.

"Admiral Darling is kind enough to think," said Scudamore, in his mild, hesitative way, blushing outwardly, but smiling inwardly, "that I am too good to be a clergyman." "And so you are, and Heaven knows it, Blyth, unless there was a chance of getting on by goodness, which there is in the Navy, but not in the Church. Twemlow, what is your opinion?"