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He heard the sound of the pan pipe in the ninth room, and he was very glad. He flew over the head of the woman who was playing, and she stopped playing and struck at him. "How did the firefly get in here? I do not think there are any cracks in here." The firefly said, "Do not strike at me, for I fear you will hit my headaxe and be cut."

As soon as he arrived where Aponitolau was he threw his spears at him and Aponitolau soon got all the spears which he threw. Then he tried to cut off Aponitolau's head, but Aponitolau got his headaxe and said to him, "Now I am next, for you did not injure me at all," and Giambólan said, "Yes."

Algaba seizes his spear and headaxe intending to kill the visitors, but weapons shed tears of oil. He takes other weapons, but they weep tears of blood. He then makes friends of the intruders. Learning their mission he refuses their gifts, but gets fruit and returns with them to their town. On way he uses magic and causes the death of Aponibolinayen.

As soon as he dressed he took his spear and headaxe and he told Aponibolinayen that if the lawed leaves wilted he was dead. So he went. As soon as he arrived at the well of Gimbangonan all the betel-nut trees bowed, and Gimbangonan shouted and all the world trembled. "How strange that all the world trembles when that lady shouts." So Aponitolau took a walk.

Aponitolau commanded his headaxe and spear to go to Giambólan's side as soon as he threw them; so Giambólan laid down and the headaxe went and cut off Giambólan's ten heads. As soon as Aponitolau had killed Giambólan he again commanded his spear and headaxe to cut off the heads of all the people in the houses and the headaxe and spear went and Aponitolau sat by the town waiting for them.

As soon as he returned to the place where Kanag was waiting he said, "Can you see my headaxe, little boy? If I put this on you you cannot get it off. So you throw first so you can show how brave you are." Kanag said to him, "No, you must be first, so you will know that I am a brave boy."

He throws his spear and it goes through giant, while his headaxe cuts off five of adversary's heads. Spares last head so it can tell him where to find his father. Collects father's body together and restores it to life. Lawed vine at their home revives. Father tries to cut off last head of giant, but fails; son succeeds easily. They send the headaxes to kill all people in town.

As soon as they chewed the betel-nut Aponibolinayen died. Not long after Iwaginan sharpened his headaxe and spear, for he intended to cut off Gimbagonan's head. They went to get a medium to make the ceremony for Aponibolinayen, and when the medium was making the ceremony she said, "Aponibolinayen cannot be cured unless Gimbagonan comes to cure her, for she used the poison which is baladon."

So Aponitolau gave him the belt and he got a golden chair and he put it in the middle of the party and made Don Carlos sit on it. All of the people were dancing and Aponitolau went and sharpened his headaxe. Not long after, "Ala, you Aponibolinayen take Kanag and Alama-an with you and dance with Don Carlos." Not long after they danced.

"Give back my ring," she said. "Our relationship is the reason they change," said Aponitolau. Then they chewed and laid the quids on the headaxe and they became agate beads which looked like honey, and laid in parallel lines. "We are relatives," they said, and in a short time they told their names. When it became time to eat, Aponibolinayen said, "What do we eat?"