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"What is that, boy?" said Mr Knapps, pointing to the letter A. I looked attentively, and recognising, as I thought, one of my father's hieroglyphics, replied, "That's half-a-bushel;" and I was certainly warranted in my supposition. "Half-a-bushel! You're more than half a fool. That's the letter A." "No; it's half-a-bushel; father told me so." "Then your father was as big a fool as yourself."

"Father knew what half-a-bushel was, and so do I: that's half-a-bushel." "I tell you it's the letter A," cried Mr Knapps, in a rage. "It's half-a-bushel," replied I, doggedly. I persisted in my assertion: and Mr Knapps, who dared not punish me while the Dominie was present, descended his throne of one step, and led me up to the master.

"I can do nothing with this boy, sir," said he, red as fire; "he denies the first letter in the alphabet, and insists upon it that the letter A is not A, but half-a-bushel." "Dost thou, in thine ignorance, pretend to teach when thou comest here to learn, Jacob Faithful?" "Father always told me that that thing there meant half-a-bushel."

Kester Hobson, a legendary tale of the Yorkshire Wolds, which turns upon a lucky dream, will probably set thousands dreaming and we hope with the same good effect viz. half-a-bushel of gold. "A Vision," by the late Dr. Currie, is a successful piece of writing; Le Contretems is a pleasant tale enough, with a sprinkling of French dialogue.

I have frequently cut down trees in which they had deposited their winter-store, to the amount of half-a-bushel of beech-mast, Indian corn, and grain of different descriptions. It is a very curious circumstance that, before storing away for the winter, they carefully skin every beechnut.