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Sir Hokus sang verse after verse of an old English ballad, and the Cowardly Lion roared and gurgled a song of his own making, which, considering it was a first attempt, was not so bad: I am the Cowardly Lion of Oz! Be good! Begone! Beware! Becoz When I am scared full fierce I be; Br rah grr ruff, look out for me!

That is one month's rent that he owed." "Two months' rent I must have." "One," said Stepfather Time firmly. "Two," said the landlord insistently. "Urff! Grr rr rr rrff!" said Willy Woolly in emphatic dissuasion. Stepfather Time was scandalized. Expert opinion was quite outside of Willy Woolly's province. Only once in the course of their years together had he interfered in a purchase.

Here they jammed him up against the railings, and stood guard over him, while he was alarmed to perceive a suppressed ferocity in the faces of both. "What are you charged with? Grr ! For 'arf a pint I'd knock your bloomin 'ed in!" said the coarser gentleman of the two an evasive form of answer which did not seem to promise a pleasant interview.

I had done this for the eighth time, and was cursing under my breath, when on a sudden I heard a stealthy footfall coming down the alley behind me. "Master Tingcomb, for a crown!" thought I, and crouch'd to one side under a bush. The footsteps drew nearer. A dark form parted the laurels: another moment, and I had it by the throat. "Uugh ugh grr! For the Lord's sake, sir, "

"That's not the voice of my little dinner," says Baba Yaga, and she jumped into the hut, gnashing her iron teeth; and there was no little girl, but only the thin black cat, sitting at the loom, tangling and tangling the threads. "Grr," says Baba Yaga, and jumps for the cat, and begins banging it about. "Why didn't you tear the little girl's eyes out?"