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Shall we just you and I?" "And the engineer?" "I'll run the Gracilis if you will steer," she said quietly. "I'll do whichever you wish, Calypso, steer or run things." She looked up with that quick smile which seemed to transfigure her into something a little more than mortal. "Why in the world have I ever been afraid of you?" she said. "Will you come?

Presently she bent over the table, extended her arm, and lifted a small burning lamp of silver toward him; and, thanking her, he lighted his cigarette. "Siesta?" she asked. "No; I feel fairly normal." "That's abnormal in Florida. But if you really don't feel sleepy if you really don't we'll get the Gracilis our fastest motor-boat and run down to the Beach Club and get father.

All tendrils are sensitive, but in various degrees, to contact with an object, and curve towards the touched side. With several plants a single touch, so slight as only just to move the highly flexible tendril, is enough to induce curvature. The point of a tendril of Passiflora gracilis began to move distinctly in 25 seconds after a touch, and in many cases after 30 seconds.

CUCURBITACEAE. Homologous nature of the tendrils Echinocystis lobata, remarkable movements of the tendrils to avoid seizing the terminal shoot Tendrils not excited by contact with another tendril or by drops of water Undulatory movement of the extremity of the tendril Hanburya, adherent discs VITACAE Gradation between the flower-peduncles and tendrils of the vine Tendrils of the Virginian Creeper turn from the light, and, after contact, develop adhesive discs SAPINDACEAE PASSIFLORACEAE Passiflora gracilis Rapid revolving movement and sensitiveness of the tendrils Not sensitive to the contact of other tendrils or of drops of water Spiral contraction of tendrils Summary on the nature and action of tendrils.

So remote an analogy to sex could not assert itself pervasively. Thus Horace says: Quis multa gracilis te puer in rosa perfusis liquidis urget odoribus grato, Pyrrha, sub antro?